Klucz do wzmocnienia pozycji kobiet w walce ze skrajnym ubóstwem: BKKBN

JAKARTA (ANTARA) – Szef Krajowej Agencji Planowania Ludności i Rodziny (BKKBN) Hasto Wardoyo podkreśliła, że ​​wzmocnienie…

How does the economy work? (and other important money questions)

It’s a big day for Ryan and Bridget. For the first time, they are hosting a…

Katharina Wagner will direct the Bayreuth Festival for another 5 years

Germany’s Bayreut Festival has announced the retention of Katharina Wagner as its director for another five…

Mini-Laser Advances May Facilitate Radiation Therapy: Study

Researchers at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) in Germany have used a new approach to provide proton…

IIHF – Teen Tenders

When Trey Augustin came on in relief of Alex Lyon the other night against Germany, the…

The society is launching its AI Office to promote the use of this technology to improve public services

Among its functions, it will encourage innovative programs to make citizen service „more efficient and personalised”.…

Venice earned almost €1 million in the first 11 days of tourist tax

Starting April 25, the city of Venice applies a tourist tax to day-trippers on select days.…

Do 52 wzrosła liczba ofiar śmiertelnych powodzi lawowej w Indonezji, 17 uznano za zaginione – Świat

To zdjęcie lotnicze, wykonane przez indonezyjską Agencję ds. łagodzenia skutków katastrof (BNPB) w dniu 12 maja…

Dutch regional economists meet Western Sydney councils

Western Sydney councils met with a visiting Dutch team to share ideas on sustainable development, waste…

Producer of 'Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’ 78

Sam-Art Williams Courtesy Carol Brown Sam-Art Williams is a Tony-nominated playwright, actor and director and executive…